
my thoughts expressed in words

Cloud 9

As I connected to the in flight wifi and was chatting with my friends, one asked how it feels at Cloud 9!

I had mentioned in my short written anecdote earlier, how looking at the wide expanse of white clouds constantly, makes one contemplate a lot of things. Slows your thoughts, makes you drop those stressed shoulders down, as the froth like visual is soothing. Light and floating.

The emotions of the mother who was leaving behind her young ones superseded the feelings of the wife who was leaving her husband. Two priceless relationships in this jenmam ( birth) of mine. But the umbilical cord one seems to overpower along with the husband. Bench mark of best parenting I guess.

Tears were uncontrollable even on ground as husband reversed the car from the apartment. I didn’t want to, and never do but lost control this time. Couldn’t pin the reason as there are quite a few. And that’s ok were his words too as he applied the brakes and patted me.

A dash of kajal and lipstick deliberately applied after check in to auto suggest ‘chin up’ helped. Girls sighed relief when they saw me again on a call. Can’t leave them and the country in a foul mood you know.

Once we took off, and were in cloud 9, I can say, gratitude is what primarily filled my heart.

Grateful for being born to the best set of parents.

Grateful for the life I am blessed with.

Grateful for all the love from the in laws

Grateful for a husband who is tirelessly working to make sure all of us are comfortable in our lives. About whom and what I constantly have anxiety.

Grateful for being blessed with gem of daughters who have traveled a rough path and also probably somewhat have one ahead too. Here, a sense of pride too sets in.

Pride in having a hand in moulding them to what they are today and would be tomorrow. All that I pray is the Almighty holding their hand as always.

Grateful for being who I am

Grateful for friends who ask such beautiful questions so that I contemplate, write, and reach out for the tissue to wipe the tears that refuse to stop.

Its NOT coincidence that I am listening to

KURAI ONDRUM ILLAI – and precisely

“Yaadum marukkadha malayappa “

From the inflight playlist as I type this sentence.

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